Dear Daughters,
God has truly blessed me in the area of girlfriends. I have old friends and new friends. I have friends I can call at the last minute that would drop everything to help me out and friends I don't see often but that are my fervent prayer warriors. I have college friends, church friends, neighborhood friends, friends that are the Moms of your friends, beach-buddy friends, long-distance friends, and many more. There are friends in my life who now have daughters that are your friends. I don't know how I could walk this life without my friends.
As in any area of life that God blesses, the enemy is constantly on the prowl seeking to kill and destroy. As awesome as friendships between girls and women can be, they can also be extremely challenging. Life can get hard and girls can be mean. I know you have each experienced this and you will throughout your life. As you navigate this process, I challenge you to ask yourself what kind of friend you are to others. Do you seek to build up or tear down? Do you follow the crowd and gossip or do you stand up for those who need it most? Do you follow the example of your sweet Savior who was the ultimate friend to those in need of Him? My best advice to you concerning friendship is to be consistent. Be the one that stays the same. Love others even when they are unlovable. Choose your closest friends wisely and carefully, understanding that true intimacy comes when Jesus is central in your relationships.
You will have many friends in your life. Some will stick around forever and some will be there only for a season. Love your friends for who they are and accept them where they are. And always remember that there is only one "friend who sticks closer than a brother" - Proverbs 18:24
I Love You,
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
9 hours ago
Lisa, your blog is so awesome! I love that you are writing to your daughters, I know they will treasure it one day! I love this one about friendship! I just wanted you to know you are doing a great job with the choir. Today was so awesome! Though I missed Scott, it was just all about worshipping Jesus. I love that we are in a church and a choir where it is not about any man but about JESUS!! Thankyou for pointing us to Him! I love to watch you direct us. You are always easy to follow, and you always make me smile! I barely know you but I love you!!! I love the bond sister's in Christ have! THANKYOU for all you do!!
Julie Choat.
Thank you so much sweet Julie!! You are such an encouragement to me. Thank you!! I look forward to getting to know you better in these next few months!
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