Monday, January 10, 2011


Dear Daughters,

Today has been a wonderful day. Today we stayed home. All day. There were no carpools, activities or errands. No one left the house- not even Daddy. A day with nothing to do is a rare gift and one that should be treasured.

In today’s world, it is very difficult to steer clear of busyness. If you ask people how they are doing, a typical response is “We’re fine- just busy!” There are many things that keep us busy that we cannot control. As children and teenagers your lives will likely be filled with activities, lessons, parties, and time with friends. As young adults you will be busy working and possibly raising families of your own. Your life will be full, but it is important to learn to manage your time well.

One of the most important lessons you can learn about busyness is that you CAN control it to some degree with one simple word- “NO.” Saying no is difficult and it takes maturity. The world will tell you that you can do it all, but I can tell you from painful experience that you cannot. Many times when you say “yes” to too many things, you end up doing none of them well. The most peaceful times in your life will come when you keep your schedule free with plenty of time for God’s word, your family and time alone.

It is especially difficult to say no when people ask you to do things you are good at. One of the best pieces of advice I have ever received from your Daddy is “Don’t say yes just because you are flattered they asked you.” My prayer for you is that you will keep Micah 6:8 at the forefront when you wrestle with how God would have you spend your time. “…and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

I Love You,


Friday, January 7, 2011


Dear Daughters,

Commitment is important. I pray that you will all grow up to be responsible, committed people that can be counted on. I pray you will recognize the importance of keeping your word and of being trustworthy. As you get older, your commitments will increase. It is at that point you need to make sure what you are committing to is really worth it.

P, you have been involved this past year in a sport that requires a great deal of commitment. You excel at it and you enjoy it. It has been fun to watch you find "your thing" and see you accomplishing your goals. God created us to enjoy using our gifts and abilities for His glory and I am glad you have chosen something where you can shine for Him. Unfortunately, as is the nature of many sports schedules, the commitment requirement is constantly changing. Many times practices are called and held at times that conflict with our commitment to church. It has been tough to watch you miss out on things, but we know that Jesus wants us to make Him our first priority.

The lesson I hope you will take from this is that your priorities and commitments must be firmly set early in your life. The world will challenge them and try to make you second-guess your decisions. But I encourage you to make biblical choices and stick to them no matter who or what else is vying for your time and attention. You will be in the minority and will miss out on some things that seem "fun" and "good." But God's best for you is so much more than what the world's best is. Seek Him above all else and the rewards will be greater than you can imagine!

"Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act."- Psalm 37:5

I Love You,


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Dear Daughters,

The description of this blog implies that I want to impart my wisdom to you through my writing. While this is true to an extent, please let me clarify. Any bits of wisdom I have picked up along the way that have any worth at all come straight from the Word of God. I have spent most of this past decade wrapping my brain around the fact that the Bible is the ONLY authority and standard for living, and that it is completely without error. That's where the only true wisdom comes from, girls!

I actually started this blog for you almost three years ago, in March of 2008. At the time, you were 7, 5 and 3 and I was a tad overwhelmed with life in general! I posted only four times from 2008 to today so obviously I wasn't quite ready to write down my thoughts daily! Hopefully now that we are almost out of the preschool years, I can reflect on those sweet times while sharing things the Lord has taught me through them.

In Romans 3:10 scripture tells us "..none is righteous, no, not one.." That includes me, your father, your teachers, your friends, and anyone else that might have influence over your life. You will hear many messages loud and clear from the world, but the reality is that you can't trust a single one of them; not even the ones from me. But rest assured that your Heavenly Father is more than able to offer you truth in every situation. " the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ!" - Romans 16:27 

I Love You,


Introductions three daughters P, E and S!! My prayer is that this blog will be a way for me to document our life together. The responsibility that comes with raising these girls is sometimes more than I can bear to think about! But I know that God will give me the grace and strength I need, and that He will be the perfect parent when I am not. I love you girls! I am thankful for the opportunity to know you and am blessed to be called your mom.